Rider to Publication and Licensing Agreements

Rider to Publication and Licensing Agreements

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Note: This rider applies only to titles acquired prior to 2016.

Purpose of this rider: In 2016 Broadway Play Publishing Inc (BPPI) began arranging for book marketing, printing, and distribution in Great Britain, Europe, Australia, India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil. In 2018 these arrangements were completed. Customers in these regions can now order BPPI books locally instead of needing to order and have them shipped from the United States.

In addition, BPPI now regularly licenses performances globally as can be seen on our Upcoming Productions page, which frequently lists productions in Great Britain, Europe, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Caribbean, and other international locations with significant English-speaking populations. Accordingly, since 2016 BPPI has been acquiring worldwide English-language publication and performance rights for all new acquisitions as well as acquiring worldwide publication and licensing rights for titles acquired in prior years in order to take full advantage of the now-worldwide market we have been building for the benefit of authors, agents, and BPPI. This rider to BPPI's publication and licensing agreements extends those rights from North America to worldwide.

As indicated below, the international equivalents of First Class, Second Class, and professional touring productions are excluded from the grant of worldwide rights and shall remain in the purview of the author and primary agent, to be handled by BPPI only upon specific request.

Rider to Publication and Licensing Agreements

This rider, dated and effective as of the date below, is herewith attached to and made part of the Broadway Play Publishing Inc publication and licensing agreements for the title(s) listed below.

1. Territory
The definition of "Territory" in the original publication and licensing agreements shall be amended from extending "throughout the United States of America, its territories and possessions, and Canada" to "throughout the world."

2. Worldwide Licensing
The grant of rights in the original licensing agreement(s) shall be amended as follows:

"Owner does now hereby constitute and appoint Broadway Play Publishing Inc Owner's exclusive agent for the Territory for the purpose of licensing and leasing the Play for stock production and amateur production in the English language, and for Advertising and Publicity in connection therewith.

"Stock production as used here shall include, without limitation, any and all productions of any kind that are given in any theater or by any group that has normally been known and handled as a professional or stock theater, including but not limited to any productions that may be given under Actors Equity contracts, except for First Class or Second Class (including Production, Off-Broadway, Tier or SET), or their international equivalents; and Amateur production as used here shall include, without limitation, production by little theaters, community drama associations, universities, colleges, high schools, churches, clubs, and other amateur organizations incident thereto, or their international equivalents.

"Broadway Play Publishing Inc will not license the Play in New York City, Los Angeles, or London without Owner's written permission."
Enter one title per line to which this rider will apply. Enter collection title, if applicable, to cover all titles within a collection. Enter "All" to cover all titles published by BPPI.
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Authorization: By signing and submitting this rider, you confirm that you are authorized to grant these rights and that you accept and agree to the terms stated above.
Broadway Play Publishing Inc

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