

Broadway Play Publishing Inc generally acquires plays after a “definitive” production on or Off-Broadway or at a professional regional theater. We recognize, however, that only a limited number of plays have the good fortune to receive a major production and so maintain an open submission policy. This policy precludes us from being able to respond to each submission individually, but all submissions are reviewed thoroughly. Please do not submit a play to us more than once.
Note that our primary mission is to publish full-length, contemporary American plays, and we do not accept unsolicited submissions of musicals, individual short plays, or short-play collections. Adaptations of classics are welcome. Before you submit, please ensure that your script is legibly formatted, has been carefully proofread, and that deviations from standard spelling, grammar, and punctuation are intentional for effect. It is also standard for a play to have a list of characters and a note of the setting (“time” and “place”) at the beginning. Submissions that do not meet these standards will not be read.
To submit your play and any supporting documents, including, if available, reviews and a production history, please use the form below. If we are interested in pursuing publication and licensing agreements, we will contact you within three to six months. Thank you.

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    Broadway Play Publishing Inc

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