Middle Ages
Reiner Prochaska from the tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
This adaptation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales explores the bawdy humor of "The Miller's Tale," "The Merchant's Tale," "The Nun's Priest's Tale," and "The Wife of Bath's Prologue... [read more]
Production Info
Cast: 6 total (3 female, 3 male, doubling)
Full Length Comedy (about 100 minutes)
Single Set
Period CostumesReed Martin and Austin TichenorDescription
Nothing is rotten in the state of Denmark as young Hamlet leaps into action to save the nunnery with Ophelia and Yorick the jester! What could possibly go wrong? This hysterical prequel answers all the important questions, like: Why can't Ophelia take swim lessons? Where the hell is Mrs Polonius? And why does Hamlet's mother spend so much time at his uncle's house? What will young Hamlet grow up To Be? That is the question! A fast, funny, and physical extravaganza filled with scary ghosts, wee Scots, singing nuns, and a mysterious vassal in the castle!
Production Info
Cast: 3 total (3 male, as written; gender-diverse and/or expanded casts)
Full Length Comedy (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Period CostumesRuth WolffDescription
The sweep of Eleanor's entire life — from her early marriage to Louis VII, King of France, through her marriage to Henry II of England, to her imprisonment, reign and death — is encompassed in this action-packed, highly literate drama... [read more]
Production Info
Cast: 16 total (5 female, 11 male, doubling possible)
Full Length Drama (about 140 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Period CostumesGotthold Ephraim Lessing, adapted by Michael BloomDescription
Banned by the Nazis and then produced by dozens of German theatres following the end of World War II, NATHAN THE WISE is a timely and exuberant rebuke of prejudice and intolerance... [read more]
Production Info
Cast: 9 total (3 female, 6 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Period CostumesJon KleinDescription
Travel to Sherwood Forest for some swashbuckling fun in this rousing new version of the classic adventure story... [read more]
Production Info
Cast: 11 total (4 female, 7 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Period Costumes