Press Quotes
“Nathan Minter is one of those overbearing men who believe that success in their chosen professions makes them, without further effort, successful sons, husbands and fathers. As Alan Brandt sets out to demonstrate in 2 1/2 JEWS, his understanding and compassionate debut play, which bares a man’s flaws but shies from tragedy, Nathan Minter is a winner as a humanitarian lawyer but a loser in his personal relationships. Oh, his 78-year-old immigrant father, Morris, may refer to him as the ‘Jewish Clarence Darrow,’ and his Yale-educated son, Marc, may call him the ‘Albert Schweitzer of the legal profession,’ but the descriptions are drenched in bitterness … 2 1/2 JEWS, sprinkled with lighthearted moments, remains an easy-to-watch cautionary tale.” —Lawrence Van Gelder, The New York Times
“Winning hit comedy … a happy surprise.” —NY1-TV
“A triple mitzvah!” —New York Law Journal