
Henrik Ibsen, adapted by Eric Overmyer


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Eric Overmyer's remarkable adaptation of Ibsen's PEER GYNT, set in the Pacific Northwest and in South America.

Production Info

Cast: 14 total (6 female, 8 male)
Full Length Drama (about 120 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes
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Press Quotes

“Writing skills unequalled among American playwrights, [a] brilliant wordsmith …” —Richard Stayton, Los Angeles Herald Examiner

“A cosmically inclined theatrical court jester.” —Mel Gussow, The New York Times

“Overmyer is a dazzling verbal acrobat, as well as a serious student of pop culture. Both linguist and cultural anthropologist …” —Michael Kuchwara, A P

About the Author


  • Henrik Ibsen

    Henrik Ibsen (1828 – 1906) was a Norwegian dramatist and is considered the father of the modem drama. He first won worldwide attention with A DOLL'S HOUSE (1879). His next play, GHOSTS, dealt openly with the topic of venereal disease and aroused great opposition. He replied to his critics by writing AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE (1881), where he showed that an individual may be right while society is wrong. His other plays include PEER GYNT (1867), THE WILD DUCK (1884), ROSMERSHOLM (1886), THE LADY FROM THE SEA (1888), HEDDA GABLER (1890), THE MASTER BUILDER (1892), LITTLE EYOLF (1894), JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN (1896), and WHEN WE DEAD AWAKEN (1899).

  • Eric Overmyer

    Eric Overmyer is a playwright and a television writer and producer. He graduated as a theater major from Reed College in 1973. His plays include ON THE VERGE, THE HELIOTROPE BOUQUET, IN A PIG'S VALISE, DON QUIXOTE DE LA JOLLA, NATIVE SPEECH, MI VIDA LOCA, IN PERPETUITY THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE, and DARK RAPTURE. Mr Overmyer has written extensively for television, including for Homicide: Life on the Street, The Wire and Law & Order, and has been nominated for two Emmy Awards. He received an Edgar Award for the television feature Rear Window. Overmyer was also a co-creator of the HBO series Treme, about musicians in post-Katrina New Orleans.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 9/1/1997
Pages 120
ISBN 9780881451269

Special Notes

Special Notes

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