Press Quotes
“Does anyone remember David Rabe’s STICKS AND BONES? … The play was a hard-hitting commentary on the then-raging Vietnam War … Before anybody mounts a revival that would comment on our own times of war and the serious injuries that present-day soldiers sustain, they should take a look at Lydia Stryk’s powerful new drama AMERICAN TET … In these times, we need a hard-hitting play like this one … It’s the finest drama I’ve seen in months.” —Peter Filichia,
“AMERICAN TET … treats the Iraq war much as MACBIRD, OH, WHAT A LOVELY WAR and Platoon did Vietnam. It’s as subtle as napalm.” —Michael Kilian, Chicago Tribune
“Stryk’s AMERICAN TET is as raw and discomforting as a frequently chafed sore … and brings reality to a career military family grappling with the special self-sacrifices, denial, acceptance and questioning that goes with serving in our country’s armed forces during an unpopular war.” —Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
“Juxtaposing one American generation’s experience in Vietnam with today’s involvement in Iraq makes an emotionally affecting statement about the impact of public policy on private lives. Lydia Stryk raises issues without pretending that there are simple answers.” —Brad Hathaway, Potomac Stages