Cover art "Patriot Act" by Suzanne Stryk

American Tet

Lydia Stryk


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A brutal account of the effect of the Iraq war and past wars on soldiers and military families. What is the legacy of war on the home front? How do we best serve our country?

Production Info

Cast: 6 total (4 female, 2 male)
Full Length Drama (about 90 minutes)
Multiple Sets
Contemporary Costumes
Category: Tags: ,

Press Quotes

“Does anyone remember David Rabe’s STICKS AND BONES? … The play was a hard-hitting commentary on the then-raging Vietnam War … Before anybody mounts a revival that would comment on our own times of war and the serious injuries that present-day soldiers sustain, they should take a look at Lydia Stryk’s powerful new drama AMERICAN TET … In these times, we need a hard-hitting play like this one … It’s the finest drama I’ve seen in months.” —Peter Filichia,

“AMERICAN TET … treats the Iraq war much as MACBIRD, OH, WHAT A LOVELY WAR and Platoon did Vietnam. It’s as subtle as napalm.” —Michael Kilian, Chicago Tribune

“Stryk’s AMERICAN TET is as raw and discomforting as a frequently chafed sore … and brings reality to a career military family grappling with the special self-sacrifices, denial, acceptance and questioning that goes with serving in our country’s armed forces during an unpopular war.” —Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

“Juxtaposing one American generation’s experience in Vietnam with today’s involvement in Iraq makes an emotionally affecting statement about the impact of public policy on private lives. Lydia Stryk raises issues without pretending that there are simple answers.” —Brad Hathaway, Potomac Stages

About the Author


  • Lydia Stryk

    Lydia Stryk was born in DeKalb, Illinois, birthplace of barbed wire and flying ears of corn. She grew up between DeKalb and London, England, and as a child also lived in Japan where she studied Kabuki and performed on the stage, and in Iran. After high school, she trained to be an actress at the Drama Centre, London — a career she pursued in New York for exactly one year before going back to school to study history, education and later, journalism. She has a Ph.D. in Theatre from the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York. Her dissertation, "Acting Hysteria: An Analysis of the Actress and her Part," was in part an attempt to understand why her own short-lived experience acting the woman's part on stage felt pathological. She is the author of over a dozen full-length plays and a few short ones, including MONTE CARLO, THE HOUSE OF LILY, THE GLAMOUR HOUSE, AMERICAN TET, AN ACCIDENT and LADY LAY which have been produced across the United States and also in Germany and Canada. US productions include those at Denver Center Theatre, Steppenwolf Theatre Company, Victory Gardens, HB Studios, The Contemporary American Theatre Festival, Magic Theatre and 7 Stages. In Germany her work has been produced at Schauspiel Essen, Theaterhaus Stuttgart, Hoftheater Dresden and the English Theater Berlin where she is an artistic associate. Scenes and monologues have been anthologized in collections by Heinemann, Applause and Smith and Kraus. Her play, AMERICAN TET, appears in "Acts of War: Iraq and Afghanistan in Seven Plays" from Northwestern University Press. THE END OF CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT appears in the anthology, "Here Come the Brides!" from Seal Press. Individual plays are published by Broadway Play Publishing and Dramatists Play Service and translated into German by Per Lauke Verlag, Hamburg. She is the recipient of a Berrilla Kerr Playwright Award and a Rella Lossy Playwriting Award.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 11/1/2008
Pages 70
ISBN 9780881454024

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
American Tet is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC


Upcoming and Recent Productions


10/23/2019 – 10/27/2019
Suny Geneseo
Geneseo, NY