Press Quotes
“The work of no other contemporary American playwright can boast the extraordinary scope of that of Megan Terry. In the course of over thirty years her collected plays have become a virtual compendium of the styles of modern drama, ranging from collaborative ensemble work to performance art to naturalism … Beginning with her earliest work, she has devised a politically and socially activist theater, using a diversity of nonrealistic forms to challenge a culture which has systematically disparaged nonlinear drama. Megan Terry remains a key figure in the development of the American alternative theater.” —David Savran, In Their Own Words: Contemporary American Playwrights
“Terry’s treatment of her story is masterly … There is nothing unnecessary. It is as sparse, as vital and as undemonstrative as Simone’s own life … a superb theatrical coup.” —Clive Barnes, New York Times
“APPROACHING SIMONE is a chronicle — grave, didactic, warm, filled with an incandescent interest in its subject … a rare theatrical event for these hysterical and clownish times, a truly serious play, filled with the light, shadow and weight of human life, and the exultant agonies of the ceaseless attempt to create ones humanity. Megan Terry’s play, may very well stimulate renewed interest in one of the most powerful minds and tormented spirits our age has produced.” —Jack Kroll, Newsweek
“… a purity of intent that is startling. Before I write another line let me say that Ms Terry’s script … is absolutely magnificent, the most impressive new play in a very long while.” —Kevin Kelly, The Boston Globe
“… Simone Weil is radically different from the sort of woman we usually find represented in the theater … she is an adult female being. Her battles are not sexually determined. She is a throwback to the Greeks. By exhibiting physical, intellectual, and spiritual courage, she deals with both internal conflicts and political struggles.” —Harriet Kriegel, Women In Drama