Press Quotes
“The work of no other contemporary American playwright can boast the extraordinary scope of that of Megan Terry. In the course of over thirty years her collected plays have become a virtual compendium of the styles of modern drama, ranging from collaborative ensemble work to performance art to naturalism … Beginning with her earliest work, she has devised a politically and socially activist theater, using a diversity of nonrealistic forms to challenge a culture which has systematically disparaged nonlinear drama. Megan Terry remains a key figure in the development of the American alternative theater.” —David Savran, In Their Own Words: Contemporary American Playwrights
“BABES IN THE BIGHOUSE is a wildly varying production, with situations so funny they’re sad, so tragic they’re hilarious. The characters are acid-strong.” —Steve Jordan, Omaha World-Herald
“BABES is a funny, shocking, affecting piece of theater. Ms Terry’s jazz-like verbal constructions were absolutely great.” —Maggie Hawthorn, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
“Megan Terry, like Kafka did in The Trial, uses razor-honed, sardonic gallows humor to coax empathy and understanding — so her theme — the dehumanization of incarcerated people aided and abetted by sexist stereotyping and sadism — comes across with even greater power and urgency.” —Victor Livingston, Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
“With BABES IN THE BIGHOUSE, Terry’s development achieves a new precise fluid force and cohesion. In a gesture similar to one Caryl Churchill would make in Britain a few years later, Terry and Schmidman cast men as well as women in the roles of the female prisoners and matrons … [thus] we quickly accept that our perceptions of gender are based on social roles, gestures and styles.” —Helene Keyssar, Feminist Theater