Press Quotes
“In essaying a ‘play for trivial people,’ Tom Jacobson has delivered a seriously clever meta-theatrical comedy and an unexpectedly moving ode to the mysterious powers of art and love in BUNBURY … Jacobson’s antic yet humane wit harpoons some of the biggest leviathans of the theatrical sea, from Wilde to Chekhov to Albee, with an impressive range and a nimble touch that recalls the young Tom Stoppard …” —Terry Morgan, Daily Variety
“… Jacobson’s latest play is his most magnificent to date … As Bunbury and Rosaline sweep through time and literature, his audience’s collective imagination is also swept up in ways in which the world can change. A hundred years from now, people finding complex and ingeniously twisted great works of art could easily find it to be quite ‘Jacobsonian.'” —Travis Michael Holder, Backstage West