Cover image by Stuart Patterson for Colorola

Devil’s Advocate

Donald Freed
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2006 PEN Drama Prize


DEVIL’S ADVOCATE captures an agonizing struggle between General Manuel Noriega and Archbishop Laboa on Christmas Eve, Panama, 1989.

Production Info

Cast: 2 total (2 male)
Full Length Drama (about 90 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes

Press Quotes

“โ€ฆ there are plenty of interpersonal fireworks exploding between the two characters who bring this two-act work alive. But the biggest explosions are reserved for the U.S. military, as this production is set during the Yanqui invasion of Panama in 1989, the so-called ‘Operation Just Cause.’ That duo of aforementioned characters is Archbishop Jose Sebastian Laboa and General Manuel Antonio Noriega โ€ฆ the main force generating conflict in DEVIL’S ADVOCATE is none other than politics. Imperialism, covert actions, narco-trafficking, gun running, terrorism, torture, psyops, money laundering, the Panama Canal, the Contras, Fidel, George H W Bush (hell’s hottest seat is reserved for this evil genius of mediocrity and his satanic son), et al, form the complex backdrop to a fairly simple plot. During Bush’s invasion of Panama, Noriega flees to the Papal Nuncio, the archbishop’s residence, to seek โ€” in the immortal words of Quasimodo โ€” sanctuary. There, ‘Pineapple Face’ (as the pockmarked Noriega was derisively called) confesses his ‘sins’ to Laboa, who โ€” as the Vatican’s Grand Inquisitor โ€” served, literally, as the eponymous ‘Devil’s Advocate.'” โ€”Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive

About the Author


  • Donald Freed

    Donald Freed was awarded the 2006 Pen Drama Prize for his DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. Mr. Freed's plays, prizes, books, and films include INQUEST (directed by Alan Schneider); SECRET HONOR (directed by Robert Altman); CIRCE & BRAVO (with Faye Dunaway, directed by Harold Pinter); THE QUARTERED MAN; ALFRED AND VICTORIA (A LIFE); VETERANS DAY (with Jack Lemmon and Michael Gambon); THE WHITE CROW: EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM. Three Rockefeller Awards; two Louis B. Mayer Awards; Unicorn Prize; Gold Medal Award; Berlin Critics Award; NEA Award for "Distinguished Writing," Hollywood Critics Award; Jonathan R. Reynolds Prize. AGONY IN NEW HAVEN; EXECUTIVE ACTION (novel and film with Dalton Trumbo and Mark Lane); THE GLASSHOUSE TAPES; THE SPYMASTER (Book of the Month); IN SEARCH OF COMMON GROUND (with Erik Erikson, Kai Erikson, Huey P. Newton); THE EXISTENTIALISM OF ALBERTO MORAVIA (with Joan Ross); DEATH IN WASHINGTON: THE MURDER OF ORLANDO LETELIER. Donald Freed is a guest artist at the Los Angeles Theatre Center and at York Theatre Royal, York, England. He is an honorary member of the Pacific Resident Theatre in Los Angeles. Upcoming plays include THE EINSTEIN PLAN with James Cromwell in Winter 2010; 1951-2006 at the Los Angeles Theater Center in Spring 2010; and to be announced, HAMLET (IN REHEARSAL), the American premiere by York Theatre Royal. Recent publications include PATIENT NO. 1 (Broadway Play Publishing); HAMLET (IN REHEARSAL), Broadway Play Publishing; EVERY THIRD HOUSE, Penmarin Books; and AGONY IN NEW HAVEN, Figueroa Press. Mr. Freed's plays are being produced in Italy, France and England in 2010 and 2011, including THE WHITE CROW: EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM, DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, and THE EINSTEIN PLAN.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 11/4/2011
Pages 66
ISBN 9780881455021

Special Notes

Special Notes

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Devil’s Advocate is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC