Cover image from the B Street Theatre production by Barry Crider, Lunia Blue

Halftime with Don

Ken Weitzman


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Retired NFL player Don Devers has had over thirty surgeries, experiences violent outbursts, and relies on a blizzard of yellow Post-It notes to offset his ravaged memory. When a long-time fan appears at his doorstep, Don seeks to salvage his life with a single act of heroic self-sacrifice.

Production Info

Cast: 4 total (2 female, 2 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes

Press Quotes

“This is a moving piece of work, and you don’t have to be a sports fan to be moved.” —Raphael Badagliacca,

“HALFTIME WITH DON is a challenging, thought-provoking look at the price paid for our entertainment.” —Madeline Schulman, The Link News

“HALFTIME WITH DON is a timely and outstanding theatrical experience. The play portrays a serious subject with just the right touches of humor and heart. This topical story portrays people who deal with some of life’s most critical issues. Yet it shows how hope, love and determination can define and even create a family. It is a theatrical experience you will truly relish.” —Marina Kennedy, Broadway World

“One of the perks of writing theater reviews is that on rare occasions, one is privileged to watch the birth of a powerful new drama. Such a drama is HALFTIME WITH DON. Weitzman is a gifted writer. If you want to see a powerful work of theater … with strong writing … see HALFTIME WITH DON.” —Allen Neuner, Out in Jersey

“Weitzman’s gripping drama that explores the timely topic of concussions suffered by professional football players and the impact on both the injured and their caregivers. HALFTIME WITH DON isn’t just about football. Weitzman’s story also reinforces the notion that blood is thicker than water and the importance of human connection. Aside from Weitzman’s superb ear for dialogue and often-deliciously sardonic humor that permeates his script, he has also fashioned a riveting plot line that would be a crime to reveal here. Suffice to say, the story is unpredictable, with its share of moments that are light and funny, juxtaposed with some that are fairly shocking … a script that resonates with humanity and a message that inspires.” —On the Aisle with Tom Alvarez

About the Author


  • Ken Weitzman

    Ken's recent play, HALFTIME WITH DON, received three productions in 2018 as part of an NNPN Rolling World Premiere. Ken's previous productions include, among others, THE CATCH (The Denver Center Theatre Company), FIRE IN THE GARDEN (Indiana Repertory Theatre), THE AS IF BODY LOOP (Humana Festival), ARRANGEMENTS (Atlantic Theatre Company). His devised work includes, Memorabilia (Alliance Theatre), Hominid (Out of Hand Theatre/Theatre Emory/Oerol Festival Netherlands), and Stadium 360 (Out of Hand Theatre). Current plays in progress include SEAL BOY (upcoming production at BETC, workshop production at AADA Main Stage Live, developed with Keen Company Playwrights Lab, Lark Meeting of the Minds, Playwrights Center core workshop, winner of BETC's Generations competition), SPIN MOVES (Victory Gardens Ignition Festival, Theatre Lab, New Harmony Project). National Awards include The L Arnold Weissberger Award for Playwriting for ARRANGEMENTS, TCG Edgerton Foundation New American Play Award for THE CATCH, the Fratti/Newman Political Play Contest Award for FIRE IN THE GARDEN, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company's Generations competition for SEAL BOY, and South Coast Repertory's Elizabeth George Commission for an Outstanding Emerging Playwright. Organizations who have commissioned Ken's work include the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Arena Stage, the Alliance Theatre, Actors Theatre of Louisville, Theatre Emory, Out of Hand Theatre, and South Coast Repertory Theatre. Ken received his MFA from University of California, San Diego and has taught at UCSD, Emory University, Indiana University (head of MFA in Playwriting) and, currently, at Stony Brook University.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 3/25/2021
Pages 86
ISBN 9780881458961

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Halftime with Don is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC


Upcoming and Recent Productions


1/22/2025 – 2/16/2025
Northville, MI