Victoria StewartVictoria Stewart has received the Francesca Primus Award, a McKnight Advancement Grant, the Helen Merrill Award, the Susan Smith Blackburn Award (finalist), and the Jerome Fellowship as well as residencies at Ucross/Sundance, Hedgebrook, Hermitage, Tofte Lake, Sewanee Writer's Conference and the Donmar Warehouse. Her plays include RICH GIRL (Florida Studio Theatre, The Old Globe, Theatre 502, George Street Playhouse, Cleveland Playhouse, Lyric Stage), MERCY WATSON TO THE RESCUE! (Olympia Family Theater, Magik Theatre, Children's Theatre Company, Marin Theater Company), HARDBALL (Live Girls Theatre!, SPF), FISSURES (LOST AND FOUND) (Actors Theater of Louisville), CLANDESTINO (Mixed Blood), LIVE GIRLS (Urban Stages, WHAT, Stage Left, Eternal Spiral Project), 800 WORDS: THE TRANSMIGRATION OF PHILIP K. DICK, (Caravan Theater, Live Girls Theatre!, Workhaus Collective), THE MEANING OF MAGGIE (Rose Theatre), an adaptation of Henry James' THE BOSTONIANS and a new play OPHELIA REDUX. She's written projects for HBO and Youtube Red. She's a founding member of the Workhaus Collective, an Affiliated Writer with the Playwrights' Center, a member of WGA West and the Playwrights Union of Los Angeles. Victoria graduated from the Playwrights Workshop at the University of Iowa.