Press Quotes
“Reardon has written a play for our times. He has taken on one of the most troubling and important issues facing America: How to live in an open society safely and honorably when many parts of the world are dangerous and menacing.” —Bloomington Herald-Times
“In the wake of 9/11 Reardon has given us a timely play in which the present can be seen in the reflection of the past. And as we look into this mirror of political intrigue and personal struggle, LAST DAYS OF THE HIGH FLIER shows us a face of compassion, forgiveness, and valor.” —The Ryder
“Reardon is a playwright who has been in the theater for many years while maintaining the same passion and commitment today that he had during his days at the Public Theater. There are people who write plays and then there are playwrights. Reardon is in the latter category and he is among the finest. 1963 was the tipping point that set into motion a national malaise that still has consequences today, and the play paints in humor, pain, and revelation the truth of that time while also being a mirror for our own times … Very few playwrights in the American theater are writing with such skill and power as Dennis J Reardon does in this epic play that combines the personal and the political into a complex reflection of who we are as a people.” —Bloomington Herald-Times