Cover art by Billy

Oatmeal and a Cigarette

George Sapio


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Three-year-old Billy leads a charmed life; he stays home all day, gets his diapers changed, sleeps in a crib. His Mommy cooks his dinner every night, tells him stories, and knits his security blankets. And he gets to look out the window and color in his books all he wants. Except … Billy is actually thirty years old; he's never been out of the apartment. His “Mommy” is actually his older brother, who fills his head with terrifying nursery rhymes about everything outside. And the babysitter is a grad student. Her thesis topic is Billy. But she hasn’t mentioned that fact yet.

Production Info

Cast: 3 total (1 female, 2 male)
Full Length Dark Comedy (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes
Category: Tag:

Press Quotes

“This show is brilliant. It’s funny, it’s dark, it’s poignant … [It] explores issues of exploitation, repressed memories, regression, and the power that human instinct holds over every decision we make.” —Jennifer Davis, The Conveyor

“Extremely funny and surprisingly moving.” —Jane Durrell, CincyBeat

“Weird, dark, and refreshingly original.” —Danielle Winterton, Ithaca Journal

About the Author


  • George Sapio

    George Sapio is an award-winning playwright, director, dramaturg, producer, and actor. He is the author of Workshopping the New Play: A Guide for Playwrights, Directors, and Dramaturgs (Hal Leonard/Applause Books, 2017). He is the founding artistic director of the annual Ithaca Fringe Festival (2014) and produces and hosts Onstage/Offstage, a monthly podcast and radio show featuring interviews with theatre professionals of all walks as well as live readings of short plays. He is also a photojournalist; his book, Collateral Damage, features his pictures from two trips with his wife, Maura Stephens, to Iraq in 2003. His plays can be found on the web at the New Play Exchange and at his website,

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 11/12/2017
Pages 54
ISBN 9780881457414

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Oatmeal and a Cigarette is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC