Cover art: Aubrey Beardsley


Oscar Wilde, translated by Matt DiCintio


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Inspired by symbolist poetry and the frequent appearance of Salomé in contemporary art and literature, Oscar Wilde wrote SALOMÉ in French during a Paris stay in 1891–92. The play's sexuality and religious needling — not to mention the final scene in which Salome embraces the decapitated head of a saint — drew censors' ire. No public presentation was given in England until 1931.

Production Info

Cast: 17 total (2 female, 15 male, bit parts)
Full Length Drama (about 60 minutes)
Single Set
Period Costumes
About the Author


  • Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde (October 1854 – November 1900) was a flamboyant and sparklingly witty Anglo-Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and critic. He published his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1890 and then won fame and fortune with three hugely successful society plays, LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN (1892), AN IDEAL HUSBAND (1895) and THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST (1895). In late 1891 Wilde wrote SALOMÉ, which was banned from performance in England by the lord chamberlain. It was first produced in February 1896 in Paris.

  • Matt DiCintio

    Matt DiCintio's works include adaptations of MOBY-DICK, A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES, and Oscar Wilde's SALOME (PlayMakers Repertory Company), and his original plays have been seen Off-Off Broadway and around the country. He has served as dramaturg at The Guthrie Theater, The Playwright's Center, PlayMakers Repertory, Virginia Repertory, among many other companies and universities. He received his PhD in Drama from Tufts University. Matt is a member of The Dramatists Guild of America.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 5/17/2023
Pages 44
ISBN 9780881459685

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Salomé is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC