Cover art by Johann Stegmeir

Scapino the Trickster

Molière, translated and adapted by Matt DiCintio


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When two misers return from abroad, their sons find their romances with two mysterious women in peril. They enlist the services of a wily servant to swindle, hoodwink, and bamboozle their way to a happy ending. Molière’s most famous farce marries his signature wit and verve with the traditions of commedia dell’arte.

Production Info

Cast: 9 total (3 female, 6 male)
Full Length Comedy (about 90 minutes)
Single Set
Period Costumes
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Press Quotes

“Molière’s genius for rhythm, laughs, and fast action are the stuff of pure theatre.” —Georges Mongrédien, in his introduction to LES FOURBERIES DE SCAPIN in the definitive Collected Works of Molière

About the Author


  • Molière

    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622 – 1673), known as Molière, was a French dramatist, director, and actor, and one of the world's greatest masters of comic satire. Of his nearly 40 plays, his most famous are TARTUFFE, THE MISER, THE LEARNED LADIES, THE MISANTHROPE, and THE IMAGINARY INVALID.

  • Matt DiCintio

    Matt DiCintio's works include adaptations of MOBY-DICK, A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES, and Oscar Wilde's SALOME (PlayMakers Repertory Company), and his original plays have been seen Off-Off Broadway and around the country. He has served as dramaturg at The Guthrie Theater, The Playwright's Center, PlayMakers Repertory, Virginia Repertory, among many other companies and universities. He received his PhD in Drama from Tufts University. Matt is a member of The Dramatists Guild of America.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 10/7/2022
Pages 46
ISBN 9780881459326

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Scapino the Trickster is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC