Press Quotes
“Anthony Clarvoe’s adaptation of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is a grand achievement, a reminder of how good theater can be. This excellent show satisfies and impresses in equal measure.” —Terry Morgan, Variety
“THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV has been my steady companion since opening night. It’s a dazzling, existential whodunit about patricide, the existence of God and the anatomy of human nature. Clarvoe is among contemporary American dramatists pioneering a different path along common ground, that uses American experience, language that is both rich and familiar, behavior that is both complex and identifiable, to find a non-threatening yet provocative and challenging way into the classics.” —Jackie Demaline, The Cincinnati Enquirer
“Clarvoe’s carefully wrought play is richly layered, with bold comedic touches leavening the serious themes. THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV addresses the mind, the spirit and the funny bone, and will not quickly be forgotten.” —Patricia Corrigan, St Louis Post-Dispatch
“Clarvoe’s ability to take moments of the past and make them highly magnified, slightly unfocused and yet strangely rational views of today, has been shown before; his plays THE LIVING and SHOW AND TELL had successful productions …” —Joe Pollack, Variety