Cover art by Leslie Law

The Impossibility of Now

Y York


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What do you do when your spouse is conked on the head and wakes up with a terrifying new personality: optimistic happy person?

Production Info

Cast: 3 total (1 female, 2 male)
Full Length Comedy (about 100 minutes)
Single Set
Contemporary Costumes

Press Quotes

“… Y York’s THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF NOW is all about words: the way they work, they way they don’t. The way they delight us and sicken us and confound us and please us. The premise is straight out of an Oliver Sacks book: a bestselling science writer named Carl suffers a brain injury that renders him amnesiac. Carl’s wife, Miranda, a poet, learns that Carl has a different relationship with words than he used to. Where once he ghostwrote biographies for astronauts and wrote scathing critiques of anthropologists, now he simply delights in the miracle of words: their sounds, their meanings, the way they look — which he envisions as a flurry of snowflakes drifting through the air. As Carl wanders around his Las Vegas home, trying to remember his past life, Miranda has to deal with the shambles of their marriage from before Carl’s accident. She’s having a complicated affair with a dentist named Anthony, but suddenly Carl doesn’t at all resemble the Carl who made her so miserable. Where before he was withholding and unhappy, now Carl is joyful and content. He’s eager to see his wife, and desperate to please her. Is it too late to turn the marriage around? Is it possible to find new meaning in the words they’ve been using our whole lives? THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF NOW is … funny and touching and endearingly sweet — a thoughtful study of the way different people interact with language, and each other.” —Paul Constant, Seattle Review of Books

“… Rich dialog and characters … this sweet … romantic comedy is a delight.” —Jay Irwin, Broadway World

“… Utilizing a highly original plot, outstandingly witty dialogue … interesting recognizable stereotypes, who go through profound character development … this romantic comedy … delivers the goods. And how!” —Marie Bonfils, Drama In The Hood

“A new play can make me giddy, especially if I can’t guess where it’s headed and its subject area is ‘about’ the human condition in a new and interesting way … Y York’s THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF NOW is an unexpected delight … delicious and magical.” —Miryam Gordon, Seattle Gay News

About the Author


  • Y York

    Y York's works include: LATE IN THE GAME, …AND LA IS BURNING (recipient of the 2008 Smith Prize from the National New Play Network), BLEACHERS IN THE SUN, FRAMED, THE GAME OF LIGHT, WOOF (Houston's Buzzy for best new play), IT COMES AROUND, KRISIT, THE NEW DARK CLARITY, THE SNOWFLAKE AVALANCHE, THE SECRET WIFE, GERALD'S GOOD IDEA, RAIN. SOME FISH. NO ELEPHANTS., THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF NOW, and numerous works for families. Y York's plays has been recognized with 2004 Hawai'i Award for Literature, the 1997 Berilla Kerr Award, and the New Dramatists' 1992 Joe Calloway Award. She has been supported by grants from TCG/Pew Charitable Trust, AT&T Onstage, King County Arts Commission (Washington), Seattle Arts Commission, and Artists Trust (Washington). Y York is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and an alumna member of New Dramatists.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 9/22/2018
Pages 68
ISBN 9780881457872

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:

First produced by Tipping Point Theatre (Northville, Michigan) July – August 2018

The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
The Impossibility of Now is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC


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Ikšķile, LV, Latvia

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Stageworthy Productions
Indianapolis, IN

3/11/2022 – 4/2/2022
Bloor West Village Players Theatre Co.
Toronto, ON, Canada