Press Quotes
“THE LONG RED ROAD is a great work … intensely moody, slowly paced, intimate and compellingly painful … The play gets under your skin and convincingly takes you to the most unpleasant of psychic terrains. It ruins your day and, strangely, leaves you wanting more in that unrelentingly human but foolish belief in better tomorrows.” —Steven Oxman, Variety
“[A] raw and arresting new drama from Brett C Leonard … a deeply melancholy portrait of the horrific familial cost of addiction … Leonard is a fascinating and authentic writer.” —Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
“… a powerfully redemptive celebration of forgiveness and unconventional beauty … startling, moving and at times, difficult to bear in its stark authenticity.” —Catey Sullivan, Chicago Theater
“THE LONG RED ROAD is a brilliant masterpiece … a story you won’t soon forget.” —Philip Potempa, N W Indiana Times