Tiffany Antone
Tiffany likes weird stuff. And spectacle. And making theatremakers ask "How the hell am I going to do THAT?" but, like, in a really good way. Her plays are imaginative, highly visual, bold, and (quite often) hilarious. Tiffany’s plays have been read and/or performed in Los Angeles, New York, D.C., and Minneapolis. Her play, TWIGS AND BONE recently enjoyed rave reviews for a three-month run with Nu Sass Productions in Washington, DC. CRICKET WOMAN MOTHER EARTH (OR) A NASTY COMEUPPANCE, (a past O’Neil finalist) enjoyed a workshop at The Boston Court as part of their 2017 New Play Festival. Her award-winning play, IN THE COMPANY OF JANE DOE, has been produced on both coasts. She is a past Hawthornden Fellow, Great Plains Theatre Conference selectee, and has been a finalist for both the O'Neill and Jerome playwriting awards. Tiffany was also one of's Here and Now Series playwrights. As a theatremaker and producer, Tiffany has produced several nation-wide new play festivals and theatre as social action initiatives through her companies Little Black Dress INK (a female playwright producing organization) and Protest Plays Project. As a visual artist, Tiffany works with paints, linoprinting, ceramics, and photography. She was most recently a featured artist and co-curator at Octagon Center for the Arts in Ames, IA for her exhibit [unTITled], which centered her breast cancer journey. Her artwork can be found Instagram @My_Lil_Weirdlings. Tiffany holds her MFA in Playwriting from UCLA, and currently lives/teaches in Iowa where she writes for stage and screen. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild, The Playwright’s Center, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, and The Los Angeles Female Playwrights Initiative (for whom she is also a contributing blogger). Although she has very little free time, Tiffany usually uses any spare moments she has keeping her two children alive, waiting on her feline overlords, and creatively scheming up new ways to ways to stretch and grow her theatrical resume.