We are Among Us

Stephen Belber


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When Beau, a directionless 19-year-old, discovers that his mother was involved in a decade-old unsolved crime during her time as a military contractor, he seeks out the Afghan victim's daughter in California. As the web of the past widens, we see how a single, largely forgotten evening is still affecting people — and politics — throughout the country and world. A play about how people move forward when the past refuses to fade.

Production Info

Cast: 5 total (3 female, 2 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes
Category: Tags: ,

Press Quotes

“Rather than sensationally ripped from the headlines, the play’s dilemmas grow organically. And then there’s a strong post-play half-life, leaving you debating your emotional allegiances. Although figuring out what happened provides the machinery of the plot, WE ARE AMONG US isn’t exactly a mystery. It’s more about figuring out its people, including the ‘us’ of the title. Its half-life is vivid, like that of war, where figuring out the facts can’t remotely relieve the pain … It’s remarkable how this seemingly predictable small play becomes big and how quickly it forced me to invest in its three central characters. This is even though (this is at the heart of the play’s power) it’s a zero-sum story where what we wish for each character complicates what we can wish for the others. No, make that a negative-sum story in which each revelation further contracts the options. We’re forced into a pattern of tightening choices, just as the people the play dramatizes.” —Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

About the Author


  • Stephen Belber

    Stephen Belber's plays have been produced on Broadway and in over 25 countries. They include MATCH (Broadway, Tony nom./Frank Langella), MCREELE (Roundabout), DUSK RINGS A BELL (Atlantic Theater), DON'T GO GENTLE (MCC), GEOMETRY OF FIRE (Rattlestick), THE POWER OF DUFF (Huntington/Geffen), TAPE (Naked Angels), THE MUSCLES IN OUR TOES (Labyrinth Theater), A SMALL MELODRAMATIC STORY (Labyrinth Theater), FAULT LINES (Naked Angels), ONE MILLION BUTTERFLIES (Primary Stages), and others. He was an Associate Writer on THE LARAMIE PROJECT and Co-writer on THE LARAMIE PROJECT: TEN YEARS LATER. Upcoming: WE ARE AMONG US, (City Theater, Pittsburgh, world premiere). Belber has also written and directed two feature films, Management (Jennifer Aniston/Woody Harrelson) and Match (Patrick Stewart/Carla Gugino), and written the movies Tape (Ethan Hawke/Uma Thurman, directed by Richard Linklater), The Laramie Project (associate writer, HBO, Emmy nom. for writing), Drifting Elegant, and O.G. (Jeffrey Wright, HBO). Television credits include Law & Order SVU, Rescue Me, and pilots for HBO, F/X, USA, TNT, ABC, Fox, and History.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 5/26/2022
Pages 76
ISBN 9780881459234

Special Notes

Special Notes

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We are Among Us is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC