Well-Intentioned White People

Rachel Lynett


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After an attack influenced by her race, Cass wants to just forget about it and move on with her life but her (white) roommate and the dean of the university push her to “make an example of it.” Suddenly Cass is roped into planning a diversity day and trying to convince her roommate not to plan a sit-in. WELL-INTENTIONED WHITE PEOPLE explores how liberals attempt to deal with discrimination not directed at them and how sometimes “well intentions” can be just as problematic.

Production Info

Cast: 5 total (4 female, 1 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes

Press Quotes

“While the words of the title are never spoken in this play, the message is clear. Good intentions or not, White people can seldom understand the experience of a Black person — especially when embedded in a culture that systematically supports racist and misogynistic patterns of behavior. In the world premiere of this topical and courageous play, playwright Rachel Lynett forces the audience to confront their own beliefs and attitudes.” —Jarice Hanson, In the Spotlight

About the Author


  • Rachel Lynett

    Rachel Lynett is a queer Afro-Latinx playwright who writes dark comedies about complex, complicated women of color. Her recent playwriting credits include commissions with Barrington Stage Theatre Company (HOLY GROUND), Florida Studio Theatre (CARRY ME and AS YOU ARE), and Theatre Lab (LAST NIGHT). Other credits include LAST NIGHT presented as a reading with Theatre Lab (2020); HERE BE DRAGONS presented as a reading with Capital Rep (2019); YOU WERE MINE presented as a reading at the Kennedy Center Page to Stage Festival presented by Theatre Prometheus (2019); HE DID IT presented as a reading with Equity Library Theatre, Chicago (2018) and presented as a workshop production with University of Central Florida's Pegasus PlayLab; REFUGE as part of Z Space's Problematic Play Festival (2018); GOOD BAD PEOPLE as part of Talk Back Theatre's Reading Series (2018), part of American Stage Theatre Company's 21st Century New Voices New Play Festival (2018), part of Jackalope Theatre's CIRCLE UP series (2017) and as a reading as part of Unicorn Theatre Plays In Progress (2018); WELL-INTENTIONED WHITE PEOPLE as the Michigan premiere with Matrix Theatre (2018), the world premiere with Barrington Stage Theatre Company (2018), the Downstage Left Residency with StageLeft (2017), part of Orlando Shakespeare New Play Festival (2017), and receiving honorable mention for the 2017 Kilroys for her play (2017). Her play, ABORTION ROAD TRIP received a workshop production produced by Theatre Prometheus as part of Capital Fringe where it won Best Comedy (2017) and then was later presented by Theatre Prometheus, as a part of the 2017 Kennedy Center Page to Stage Festival. Rachel Lynett is also the 2018 Recipient of the Arkansas Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship and one of the 2020 recipients for the Artist 360 grant.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 2/15/2024
Pages 70
ISBN 9798888560051

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:

World Premiere presented at Barrington Stage, Pittsfield, MA, August 2018
Julianne Boyd, Artistic Director and Branden Huldeen, Artistic Producer

The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Well-Intentioned White People is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC