Press Quotes
“The survival of a rural Virginia black family of five, of which both parents and one of two sons are seriously [cognitively disabled], in the face of efforts by a misguided social worker and her agency to make them wards of the state, is the story of A LIFE LIKE THE REST, Kevin Arkadie’s play … Indeed, the moral superiority of this family is so obvious that the social worker does not stand a chance against it; she may frighten them and even cruelly injure several of them, but by the end of the first of ten scenes in this two-act play the audience can be confident she will lose … The characters engage one’s emotions early and hold onto them through episodes that raise fear, delight, laughter, sometimes wonder … Mr Arkadie’s talent for creating dramatic characters whose wit and good humor amuse one without diminishing the peril of their situation.” —D J R Bruckner, The New York Times