A Life Like the Rest

Kevin Arkadie


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Set in Virginia in the 1980s, A LIKE LIKE THE REST revolves around two cognitively disabled parents whom the state wants to sterilize.

Production Info

Cast: 6 total (3 female, 3 male)
Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
Single Set
Period Costumes

Press Quotes

“The survival of a rural Virginia black family of five, of which both parents and one of two sons are seriously [cognitively disabled], in the face of efforts by a misguided social worker and her agency to make them wards of the state, is the story of A LIFE LIKE THE REST, Kevin Arkadie’s play … Indeed, the moral superiority of this family is so obvious that the social worker does not stand a chance against it; she may frighten them and even cruelly injure several of them, but by the end of the first of ten scenes in this two-act play the audience can be confident she will lose … The characters engage one’s emotions early and hold onto them through episodes that raise fear, delight, laughter, sometimes wonder … Mr Arkadie’s talent for creating dramatic characters whose wit and good humor amuse one without diminishing the peril of their situation.” —D J R Bruckner, The New York Times

About the Author


  • Kevin Arkadie

    Kevin is best known as a television writer, producer and director. He created the landmark television series New York Undercover. He is the co-author of the mini-series The Temptations, The Vernon Johns Story, and has written and produced numerous other award-winning television series, such as NYPD Blue and The Shield. But rather than a television writer turned playwright, it is actually the other way around. Kevin began his career in New York City with his first professional production of A LIFE LIKE THE REST, produced by The Frederick Douglass Creative Arts Center, Fred Hudson and Budd Schulberg. Other produced works include UP THE MOUNTAIN, produced at the Stella Adler Theater in Los Angeles, and CORCOROMASANTI, produced in the East Village in New York City. Although he currently lives in Los Angeles, California, the magical world of the stage and theatre has always been and remains his greatest passion.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 9/12/2024
Pages 88
ISBN 9798888560297

Special Notes

Special Notes

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A Life Like the Rest is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC