Press Quotes
“If THE ART OF PAINTING were a real art history lecture, it would be a sophomore’s dream. The instructor (Mark Chrisler) is cute, and he makes the lives of long-dead white European men entertaining.” —Anita Gates, The New York Times
“… more exciting and intellectually stimulating than anything I remember from college … Chrisler builds a sense of unreliability and mystery, and the twists that follow are a refreshing reminder of the vivid worlds a one-man show can create onstage.” —Marissa Oberlander, Chicago Reader
“A gripping historical narrative of intrigue and forgery … Chrisler’s script is well-written … eloquent.” —Vanessa Thill, Time Out New York
“A masterful piece of heady writing … it fluidly interweaves juicy facts about the 17th-century Dutch painter Jan Vermeer, his famous forger, the art-historical contexts in which their paintings are situated, and riotous references to other famous artists, artworks and Nazis … like a dramatic reading of someone’s brilliantly constructed master’s thesis.” —Lisa Jo Sagolla, BackStage