Press Quotes
“If THE ART OF PAINTING were a real art history lecture, it would be a sophomore’s dream. The instructor (Mark Chrisler) is cute, and he makes the lives of long-dead white European men entertaining.” —Anita Gates, The New York Times
“… more exciting and intellectually stimulating than anything I remember from college … Chrisler builds a sense of unreliability and mystery, and the twists that follow are a refreshing reminder of the vivid worlds a one-man show can create onstage.” —Marissa Oberlander, Chicago Reader
“A gripping historical narrative of intrigue and forgery … Chrisler’s script is well-written … eloquent.” —Vanessa Thill, Time Out New York
“A masterful piece of heady writing … it fluidly interweaves juicy facts about the 17th-century Dutch painter Jan Vermeer, his famous forger, the art-historical contexts in which their paintings are situated, and riotous references to other famous artists, artworks and Nazis … like a dramatic reading of someone’s brilliantly constructed master’s thesis.” —Lisa Jo Sagolla, BackStage
“What starts as a witty lecture on history’s biggest lies soon morphs into the fascinating story of Chrisler’s four-year involvement with a girlfriend who turned out to be a pathological liar. As he relates how he fell for one whopper after another, Chrisler is insightful on self-deception and the way great liars exploit our willingness to believe what we want to believe, even when the truth is staring us in the face. Still more ingenious, Chrisler uses those very qualities against us, carefully parceling out information in a way that leaves us eager to know what happens next even after we begin to doubt the reliability of our narrator … an unsettling and irresistible act of storytelling that … illustrates the power of a cracking good yarn.” —Zac Thompson, Chicago Reader
“Mark Chrisler credits ELIZA and PARRY as his coauthors on IMPOSTERS, and their influence is undeniably apparent. ELIZA and PARRY were two ‘chatterbots’: computer programs, dating from 1966 and 1972, respectively, that could generate primitive forms of conversation. Their idiosyncrasies — including ELIZA’s tendency to turn everything into a question and PARRY’s preoccupation with Mob involvement in horse racing — gradually invade a dialogue between the tragic British computer genius Alan Turing and an interrogator called Nicolas Bourbaki (which is also the nom de plume of a group of mathematicians who specialized in set theory), raising the question of whether Turing and Bourbaki are human … [What emerges is ] a surprisingly vivid sense of anguish as Turing seems to go off program and, well, raise the question of whether he’s human.” —Tony Adler, Chicago Reader