Cover photo by Carol Rosegg

Florida Girls

Nancy Hasty


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FLORIDA GIRLS, takes place in Crestview, Florida circa 1965 and focuses on the upheaval in a middle-class family when two daughters compete in a high-school beauty pageant.

Production Info

Cast: 1 total (1 female)
Full Length Drama (about 75 minutes)
Minimal Set Requirements
Contemporary Costumes
Category: Tag:

Press Quotes

“In the tradition of Lily Tomlin and Whoopi Goldberg, Nancy Hasty single-handedly creates 15 unique, hilarious and true-to-life characters … a virtuoso performance …” —The New York Law Journal

“A nostalgic monologue, both comic an barbed … vivid scenes … sharply drawn … a comic affection for the world it describes …” —New York Times

“A one-woman tour de force …” —The Village Voice

“176 ways to say brilliant and Nancy Hasty’s FLORIDA GIRLS outshines them all … a one-woman spectacular …” —The Pensacola News Journal

About the Author


  • Nancy Hasty

    Nancy Hasty's plays have been produced in New York, internationally, regionally, and on tour. Her play, THE DIRECTOR, starring John Shea, ran Off-Broadway for over six months to critical and popular acclaim, and won "Recommended Play" status from The New York Times. FLORIDA GIRLS, Nancy's one-woman show, toured several states after its Off-Broadway run, and she continues to perform it around the country. Her most recent play, LAWNCHAIRS, was produced this season at Scranton's Electric Theatre Company. In Pennsylvania, she has been playwright-in-residence and taught both acting and writing at area colleges and schools. Currently, she is directing her fifth production within the Lackawanna County Prison, where she works in partnership with visual artist Elizabeth Parry-Faist. As an actress, Nancy has starred Off-Broadway in her own plays, most notably FLORIDA GIRLS and BOBBI BOLAND. Other New York productions include her one-woman show, YANKEE WOMEN (The Triad), Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's MACBETH (William Redfield Theater), Mary in THE BOTTICELLI GAME (American Renaissance Theater). Nancy is the 2009 First Place winner for the Jerry Kaufman Playwriting Award in New York; a top finalist at the Eugene O'Neill Playwrights Festival, first place winner in the James Dickey Poetry Competition and this year's "Artist of the Year" in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Nancy's work has been published by Smith & Kraus and Broadway Play Publishing. She is a member of The Dramatists Guild, Actors Equity Association, and is represented by the Abrams Agency, both in New York and Los Angeles.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 6/30/2014
Pages 44
ISBN 9780881455847

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:

First produced in New York at Theater Arielle

The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Florida Girls is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC


Upcoming and Recent Productions


6/10/2021 – 6/26/2021
Bristol Valley Theater
Naples, NY


1/15/2021 – 1/31/2021
Emerald Coast Theatre Company
Miramar Beach, FL