Portrait of Ruth Wolff by Jane T N Fogg

Notable Women — and a Few Equally Notable Men

Ruth Wolff


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In NOTABLE WOMEN — AND A FEW EQUALLY NOTABLE MEN the biographical plays of Ruth Wolff are, for the first time, collected in one volume. Seen in major productions around the world, these plays, hailed by critics and audiences alike, are now made available for production at all levels. Introducing the collection is an essay about the art of dramatizing lives which, in addition to the plays, makes this collection invaluable to students of playwriting and theater and to anyone interested in the process of writing the biographically based play. In all, these plays portray extraordinary women and men from many different centuries and civilizations, whose experiences are especially illuminating for our own time. The collection includes: THE ABDICATION, ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE, EMPRESS OF CHINA, GEORGE AND FREDERIC, HALLIE, JOSHUA SLOCUM SAILING ALONE AROUND THE WORLD, THE PERFECT MARRIAGE, SARAH IN AMERICA, and THE SECOND MRS WILSON. Also includes the essay “We Open In Florence: An Anxious Playwright Flies to Italy for the Italian Premiere of her Play,” reprinted from the New York Times Magazine: With the title changed, the cast size seemingly changed, and all other variety of problems, the playwright flies to Italy and tries, alone, in a country whose language she doesn’t know, to deal with events leading up to what turns out to be the triumphant premiere of the Italian-language production of THE ABDICATION. Her hopes and fears highlight the gripping tale of this theatrical adventure. THE ABDICATION: Why, having become Queen in childhood, would Christina of Sweden give up the throne? Confused about her sexual identity and religious beliefs, and thwarted in love, she decides to abdicate, convert to Catholicism, and throw herself, for life, on the hospitality of the Vatican. Once there, this proud but troubled woman is stunned to discover that, before she can be received by the Pope, she must submit to intense questioning by Cardinal Azzolino. At first she sees him as an adversary. But then, against all rules and expectations, Christina finds herself falling in love with her inquisitor. A probing exploration of the nature of woman, whether queen or commoner, is the subject of this highly original play. ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE: The sweep of Eleanor’s entire life — from her early marriage to Louis VII, King of France, through her marriage to Henry II of England, to her imprisonment, reign and death — is encompassed in this action-packed, highly literate drama. Through every challenge, Eleanor, with her grace and independence — in a world which expected women to stay in their place — triumphs, as wife, soldier, mother, queen and patron of the Courts of Love. EMPRESS OF CHINA: As the 19th century moves into the 20th century, the Dowager Empress Tzu-His struggles to hold together the proud ancient Chinese empire, which is being assaulted by foreign nations and the technological advances of the age. Following the arrest of a Young Actor who is playing her in the streets, she finds herself powerless at the pinnacle of power, trying to preserve traditional Chinese civilization against overwhelming forces for change. GEORGE AND FREDERIC: A Play with Music — the music of Frederic Chopin. George Sand had many lovers — but the one to whom she was most attached, and who almost ruined her life, was Frederic Chopin. His illness and dependency, the rivalries of two artists living under the same roof, the conflicting demands of two careers, all these batter the relationship. But most damaging is what the affair does to her family. Sand is hailed as an icon of female liberation. In GEORGE AND FREDERIC we see what can be the consequences of that liberation. Her rebellious daughter, Solange, embraces the tenets of feminism as an excuse for wild behavior, eventually causing the final rift between her mother and her mother’s lover. To assert his own creativity in this maelstrom, Maurice, George’s doting and doted-upon son, creates puppets of each member of this explosive ménage, puppets who, throughout the play, comment wryly on all the heated goings-on with humor, irony, and wit. HALLIE: Hallie Flanagan Davis headed the Federal Theater in the 1930s and 40s — until the anti-art element in Congress decided that federal support of what they saw as lazy left-wing artists must end. This play, based on the tumultuous hearings before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, pits artists against philistines and demonstrates that then, as now, politics and art don’t mix. JOSHUA SLOCUM SAILING ALONE AROUND THE WORLD: As he is making preparations to set out on what will become his final sea journey, Joshua Slocum (hounded by an unsympathetic offstage second wife), tells us about his previous Great Adventure when, in 1895, he set out on a three-year journey in his 34-foot sloop the Spray to prove that a man could sail around the world alone. In vivid anecdotes, he shares the tale of his unprecedented 46,000 mile journey, when (years before radio or G P S systems), he sailed through sun and storm, blazing heat and relentless cold, through hunger and delirium, across the world’s great oceans and seas, battled wind and waves to traverse the world’s two great capes, fought pirates and savages, and put into port in some of the wildest, weirdest and most inhospitable lands around the world. Slocum takes us with him on his epic adventure, told with humor and originality through the eyes of a weather-beaten sea salt who, against all expectation, did what no one had ever done before. Based on Slocum’s own account of his epic journey. THE PERFECT MARRIAGE: In this comedy about the nature of marriage, Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Shelley battle out their relationship at the gates of Heaven and Hell. Predeceasing Mary by several decades, Shelley can hardly wait for her to come to him in Limbo — but when she does, he is astonished to find that the woman who seemed for all her life to worship him now wants an independent existence. The Archangel/Devil must adjudicate between them and decide whether, in this afterlife, they will enter Heaven or Hell. SARAH IN AMERICA: Sarah Bernhardt made her lasting fame in America. This tour de force for one actress takes Bernhardt from her first American tour, in her thirties, to her last, when, with leg amputated, she toured the country at age seventy-two. Her indomitable spirit, summarized by her motto “Quand Même,” is abundantly displayed as she travels from coast-to-coast experiencing triumphs and tragedies. THE SECOND MRS WILSON: This play depicts the dramatic final year of the Woodrow Wilson White House when, on her husband’s urging, his new second wife, Edith (sometimes criticized as being “America’s First Female President”) hides the gravity of his illness from his Cabinet and the entire country, hoping to keep him in office long enough to achieve his goal: US entry into the League of Nations — in his view the only possible guarantor of future world peace. A pivotal moment in the play is the Woodrow Wilson/Henry Cabot Lodge confrontation over isolationism vs. internationalism — a topic as fraught with conflict then as it is today.

Introductory Essay


“This is the most comprehensive work on writing the biographical play I’ve ever encountered. Ruth Wolff shares her considerable expertise in dramatizing lives — an expertise abundantly displayed in the nine plays included in this volume. Anyone writing a play — either about those who actually lived or those who live only in the writer’s imagination — should read this essay and the plays in this book. The volume also includes, reprinted from The New York Times, the harrowing but ultimately triumphant story of Wolff’s real life adventure with a production of her play THE ABDICATION. For insights into the theory and practice of playwrighting, this book has value beyond price.” —Lewis Falb, author of books on the French and American theater, teacher at Vassar and Yale, was Director of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at NYU’s School of Continuing Education and Director of Programs in Humanities and Theater at the New School for Social Research
Some topics covered in DRAMATIZING LIVES:

  • Criteria for choosing a subject
  • Researching with the creative mind
  • Attachment to and use of raw materials
  • Transforming life into art
  • The Theme
  • The emotional matrix
  • Journeying unafraid into terra incognita
  • One’s own voice
  • Contemporaneity
  • Authenticity
  • Hazards
  • The Characters and the Playwright

“Life is messy, theater can’t be. I like writing biographical plays because I like giving shape and meaning to the complexities of existence.” —Ruth Wolff

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Press Quotes

“Ruth Wolff has written delicious roles of passion, depth and intelligence. Her commitment to the great men and women of history makes these plays a rewarding playground for actors and audiences alike.” —Frank Langella

“A playwright of great perception and intelligence, with powerful insights into the human condition. A compelling and unique voice in American theater.” —Richard Rose, Producing Artistic Director, Barter Theater, State Theater of Virginia

“Ruth Wolff brings historically significant figures vibrantly to life in thrilling original dramas, giving shape and meaning to the vagaries of existence.” —Gerald M Pinciss, Professor Emeritus of English at Hunter College and CUNY, author of Why Shakespeare


“I love THE ABDICATION play and I loved acting in the film. Ruth Wolff has written a treasure trove of extraordinary roles for actresses. I hope this book will find many readers.” —Liv Ullmann, star of The Abdication, Warner Bros film

“[THE ABDICATION] crackles with energy and sexual tension. A modern historical work in the tradition of A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS.” —San Francisco Magazine

“… [THE ABDICATION has] contemporary significance in its protagonist, a woman in search of herself … tremendous present-day impact and heart-touching emotion … for those who want intelligence and wit with their love story.” —New York Magazine


“A ‘perfect’ love play … [the] dialogue is witty and the comedy ranges from subtle to broad … lively and full of nuance … a strong affirmation of marriage.” —The Southampton Press


“[A] sweeping historical drama … a villainess of epic proportions.” —The New York Times

“Compelling theater.” —The Cincinnati Enquirer

“Alive with dialogue that is at the same time lofty and logical…plenty of clever humor.” —Lexington Herald-Leader

“An informative and meaningful work … theatrically exciting.” —Oxford Press


“… a colorful and classy evening of theater.” —The Hollywood Reporter

“Richly written.” —Pasadena Star News

“Ruth Wolff’s SARAH IN AMERICA beautifully captures the arc of the actress’s obsessive lifestyle … all her petulance, vanity, narcissism and dogged resolve … a fascinating portrait.” —Herald Examiner


“[The play] transfixes us … a gripping tale of the sea … Whether you enjoy sailing or just like a good yarn, JOSHUA SLOCUM is likely to shiver your timbers.” —Newport Daily News

“For everyone who’s ever entertained the wish to explore uncharted territory of any kind, this play will prove an evening well spent.” —Newport This Week


“THE SECOND MRS WILSON has it all … Skillfully written … Exciting … timely subject matter … solid dramatic writing … brilliant re-imagining of a critical and intriguing moment in American history … characters richly nuanced and engrossing.” —Washington County News

“Fascinating … highly entertaining.” —Bristol Herald Courier

About the Author


  • Ruth Wolff

    Ruth Wolff, playwright and screenwriter, a native New Englander now living in New York, educated at Smith College and Yale University, was first represented by the legendary Audrey Wood. In 2010 and 2012 Broadway Play Publishing published nineteen of her plays under the titles NOTABLE WOMEN — AND A FEW EQUALLY NOTABLE MEN and FROM FAUSTIANA TO THE FALL OF ATHENS. In 1971, the Bristol Old Vic produced the world premiere of Wolff's THE ABDICATION at the Theatre Royal in Bath, starring Gemma Jones and David Neal. The play, about the abdication of Christina of Sweden, is an exploration of the conflicting masculine and feminine natures of woman. Its American premiere was presented by the Eureka Theatre of San Francisco (1979). THE ABDICATION has been produced throughout the United States and around the world. Wolff's article about the triumphant Italian production appeared in the New York Times Magazine in December, 1977. The Warner Bros film of THE ABDICATION, with screenplay by Wolff and starring Liv Ullmann and Peter Finch, is available on DVD through Warner Bros Archive Collection. Roger L. Stevens presented the premiere of SARAH IN AMERICA (1981), Wolff's play about Sarah Bernhardt's American tours, at the Kennedy Center starring Lilli Palmer and directed by Sir Robert Helpmann. The play was also produced at the Pasadena Playhouse starring Katherine Helmond and at Hofstra University starring Tovah Feldshuh. Wolff's film about the early life of Bernhardt, THE INCREDIBLE SARAH (1976), starred Glenda Jackson and Daniel Massey. EMPRESS OF CHINA, about the Dowager Empress Tzu-his, premiered in New York at the Pan Asian Repertory Theatre (1984). Other productions include those at the Cincinnati Playhouse, the East Coast Theatre Company in Sydney, Australia and (in Italian) at the Todi Festival in Italy. THE SECOND MRS WILSON, about the critical last year of the Wilson White House, premiered at the Barter Theatre, the State Theatre of Virginia, in September 2001. GEORGE AND FREDERIC, a play with the music of Chopin, about his love affair with George Sand, premiered at the University of Utah (1983). AVIATORS, where an unraveling marriage mimics that of Anne and Charles Lindbergh, premiered at the New Jersey Repertory Theatre and was subsequently produced at the Barter Theatre (2005). Wolff's adaptation of H. Leivick's dramatic poem, THE GOLEM, appeared Off-Broadway (1959). FOLLY COVE and STILL LIFE WITH APPLES were presented at the O'Neill Theatre Center (1967 & 1968). ARABIC TWO (1969) was seen Off-Broadway and in other productions. The Rhode Island Shakespeare Theatre presented JOSHUA SLOCUM SAILING ALONE AROUND THE WORLD in Newport, Rhode Island (1992). Staged readings: ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE (1979, Playwrights Horizons), BUFFALOES (1992, Newport, RI, East Hampton, NY, LA, director, John Frankenheimer), THE PERFECT MARRIAGE (1994, East Hampton Playwrights Theatre, Roundabout), THE SHAKESPEARE ROAD (2007, New Jersey Repertory Theatre, East Hampton Playwrights Theatre, variously starring Lisa Harrow, Robert Cuccioli, Harris Yulin and Brian Murray). THE ARDENT PHILANTHROPIST (2007, HB Studio), and THE FALL OF ATHENS (2008, Coffee Club, starring Simon Jones). THE SKY POOL (2007), HOTEL VICTORY (2009) and FAUSTIANA (2011) New Jersey Repertory Theatre. Recent plays: THE SEVEN AGES OF DD (2012, Readings NY & NJ), THE OUTLIERS (2015, Reading Urban Stages, NYC), STAGELIFE (2015). Quotes: Liv Ullmann, star of THE ABDICATION film: "Wolff has written a treasure trove of extraordinary roles for actresses." Frank Langella: "Delicious roles of passion, depth and intelligence … a rewarding playground for actors and audiences alike." Richard Rose, Producing Artistic Director, Barter Theater, "Wolff is a playwright of great perception and intelligence, with powerful insights into the human condition. A compelling and unique voice in American Theatre." Wolff is married to architect Martin Bloom (author of ACCOMMODATING THE LIVELY ARTS, AN ARCHITECT'S VIEW). PLAY COLLECTIONS: (Broadway Play Publishing) NOTABLE WOMEN — AND A FEW EQUALLY NOTABLE MEN: Includes Essays: Dramatizing Lives — The Art of Writing the Biographical Play and We Open in Florence (Reprinted from the New York Times Magazine), Plays: THE ABDICATION, THE PERFECT MARRIAGE, HALLIE, EMPRESS OF CHINA, SARAH IN AMERICA, ELEANOR OF AQUITAINE, GEORGE AND FREDERIC, JOSHUA SLOCUM SAILING ALONE AROUND THE WORLD, THE SECOND MRS WILSON. FROM FAUSTIANA TO THE FALL OF ATHENS: Includes Essay: Theatrical Relations — The Art of Collaborating in this Collaborative Art, Plays: FAUSTIANA, ARABIC TWO, AVIATORS, THE SHAKESPEARE ROAD, HOTEL VICTORY, BUFFALOES, THE SKY POOL, THE ARDENT PHILANTHROPIST, STILL LIFE WITH APPLES, THE FALL OF ATHENS. MONOLOGUES AND DUOLOGUES FROM THE PLAYS OF RUTH WOLFF has been published by Xlibris. This is a collection of scenes and speeches excerpted from the nineteen plays in NOTABLE WOMEN – AND A FEW EQUALLY NOTABLE MEN and FROM FAUSTIANA TO THE FALL OF ATHENS – published by Broadway Play Publishing Inc. Designed to be used for auditions, studio work, acting classes and private study, the scenes are of many lengths and in many moods. There are solo speeches for men and for women, scenes between two men, between two women and between one man and one woman. There are scenes for characters young and old, weak and strong, tragic and humorous, some people who lived in the past and others drawn from contemporary life. This treasure trove of scenes and speeches from a treasure trove of plays is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the Drama Book Shop.

About the Book

Book Information

Publisher BPPI
Publication Date 3/1/2010
Pages 612
ISBN 9780881454499

Special Notes

Special Notes

Licensees are required to include the original stage producers credits in the following form on the title page in all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play and in all advertising in which the full cast appears in size of type not less than ten percent (10%) of the size of the title of the Play:
The following must appear within all programs distributed in connection with performances of the Play:
Notable Women — and a Few Equally Notable Men is produced
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC