Press Quotes
“Jeff Goode’s deeply silly, thoroughly enjoyable period satire on sexual hypocrisy. Goode can tease the bejesus out of a comic premise, and his gleeful dismantling of the British gentry’s corseted mores spins into an unhinged anarchy that would please past masters Wilde and Coward.” —Los Angeles Times
“Few fellows have found fancier, funnier ways to turn a phrase than Jeff Goode, who with his new work pays homage to the humorous plays of the Victorian era and injects a healthy dose of modern edge to the clever dialogue, loaded with alliteration.” —Backstage
“Jeff Goode has fashioned a faux British Victorian farce that is linguistically bracing. A capable ensemble serves up arched barbs and ripostes.” —Variety
“A perfectly calibrated send-up of English gothic literature … Goode’s clever writing comes marbled with alliterations and a well-sculpted structure … Funny stuff!” —L A Weekly
“Ingenious wordplay drives … verbal virtuoso Jeff Goode’s … playful homage to drawing room comedy!” —Houston Chronicle